ODMR - Sistem de Deperming și Interval de Măsurare - Sistem pentru reducerea semnăturii magnetice a navelor ferromagnetice ale marinei
The ODMR (Overrun Deperming and Measurement Range System) is a system dedicated to reduce the magnetic signature of ferromagnetic surface vessels and submarines. It allows a magnetic treatment to control the permanent magnetic signature of the ships in such a way that the ships magnetic signature is minimized.
The deperming efficiency depends on the individual class of vessel undergoing treatment, the magnetic behaviour of the steel used, the building process and the magnetic history of the vessel and the operational area with respect to its vertical magnetic field component.
The fields of the ODMR are sufficient large to allow a deperming and ranging for all missions required. The ODMR can be designed for all kind of surface vessels and submarines independing of the displacement with maximum length of upto 250 m length, with the dedicated beam depth.
Applications:for ships, for submarines